Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I wanna go here

(it's not a cooking school)
"Each person who comes to L’Abri ...participate in the daily reality of an extended family, with all it’s mundane chores to be done and the beauty and confusion which children and animals bring, they will be participating in a way of life where faith and occupation are integrated. Where work, study and prayer are all of one piece in the fabric of human experience lived out under God."

I wanna go here. read, study, think, question, play, listen, walk outside, work in the garden, chop some wood, see God.

Basically a bunch of people just come and live together for a while hashing things out and work and eat and play together. -but no longer than 6 months. To live on a hill with sheep and some swiss people..count me in. - video from L'Abri Switzerland, but I think the England one would be cool too.
(and it's cool bc i heard Lewis, Shaeffer, and Tolkien used to sit around and talk about their writings and thoughts here with cigars in their mouths. i don't know, i just heard it.)


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